I can feel bubbles in my stomach moving

I can feel bubbles in my stomach moving
Second Trimester of Pregnancy Forum.I can feel bubbles in my stomach moving
Iam 5 Weeks Pregnant And I Feel Little.
Question When can I feel my baby moving? I'm 10 weeks and feel fluttering in my stomach
Iam 5 Weeks Pregnant And I Feel Little. I feel bloated and my belly hurts feels.

03.04.2009 · Best Answer: If its just movement in general, like the movement of food through your digestive system than that is normal. Some people arent sensitive
this is probably a spastic colon. i had the same thing happen after having 4 kids. & this does feel just like a baby kicking. but its always best to see a dr just to
22.01.2008 · I have had 2 babies I know what it feels like when they move, but I know that I am not pregnant and it feels like something is moving, I can see it and if
I-Feel noch günstiger
I feel something moving in my stomach?.
Preise vergleichen & enorm sparen! I-Feel hier noch günstiger.
Answer (1 of 18): At 5 weeks pregnant, it is unlikely you would be able to feel your baby moving around in your stomach. The foetus would not yet have fully formed
When can I feel my baby moving? I'm 10.