Text message symbols for sex

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Text message symbols for sex
Free Text Messaging - Send Free Text.Text Message Symbols - LoveToKnow: Advice.
What does the text message symbol <:)>.
When you're typing with your thumbs, you need to save your effort by communicating with as few letters as possible, so users created text message symbols as a sort of

Askville Question: What does this text message symbol mean ({})? : Software Signatures for Text Messages
What does this text message symbol mean.
Category: Sexy Text Messages | Text Ideas.
When I text and the message is sending there is usually a symbol that looks like a wifi signal next to my recipients name. Then the message is done se
Love Text Messages for Him
Text message symbols for sex
A Moral Story My girlfriend called me saying she was alone at home. I went there & found her sister alone in the house. She was unbelievably sexy than my GirlFriend.
Askville Question: What does the text message symbol <:)> mean? : Software